понедельник, апреля 16, 2007

Новые интернет ресурсы на службе покупателей недвижимости

Introducing Virtual City -

More Website Technology to

Help Sell Real Estate?

Written by: Joshua Dorkin

virtualcity.jpgThanks to the MapleLeaf 2.0 blog, I learned about a cool new site in Toronto called Virtual City. Basically a web 2.0 (I hat that term) mashup, the site uses Google Maps and some cool Ajax coding to let you take a tour of Toronto visually. Similar to Amazon’s A9Search, it looks like these guys mean business!

You can stroll down the street and look at photos corresponding to where the little magnifying glass is on the map. I was totally wowed by the site, and think that there has to be implications for both small business and for realtors. What if while scrolling down the street (virtually, of course), you could see icons corresponding to each business. Local businesses can purchase ad space which entitles not only contact info, descriptions, web URLs, but also a virtual tour of the business. What if you could do a walkthrough the business as well . . . now, apply the same thing to properties for sale and you’re looking at something really powerful for sellers, realtors, etc.!

I think the possibilities are endless here and I hope to see the technology developed further so these advances come to fruition!

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Любопытное сочетание google map , фотослайд шоу и базы данных по недвижимости. С точки зрения удобства для пользователя очень сомнительно.

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